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JOE MCPHEE / JOHN BUTCHER – At The Hill Of James Magee

TROST | TR174 | CD | 2019
Joe McPhee – alto sax
John Butcher – tenor sax

The album presents the duos complete performance at the extraordinary monuments ´The Hill´ in the Chihuahuan desert in the middle of nowhere in Texas. Butcher and McPhee had never shared a stage before which ended up being an attentive collaboration - starting with a long duo, alternating solo performances and closing the atmospheric set with another duo. more here:

release on 18th jan 2019

Make a note of this one if you consider unique feels and important musical quality.- Mike Reid, Tiny Mixtapes, 2019

Their performance out in the open at the monument, using two microphones and battery powered equipment at times sounds like well done field recordings, but in truth it is two master improvisers taking inspiration from another artist to create a wonderfully spontaneous work of art. - Tim Niland, Jazz and Blues blog, 2019

McPhee and Butcher are as much masters of deep listening as they are of extended techniques, and here, they bring all those skills to bear. - Dustin Krcatovich, DOWNBEAT, 2019


Recording:Ryan Edwards in 2010 at ´The Hill Of James Magee´, Chihuahuan Desert, West Texas, USA